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Azubi Kolleg Lübeck - Certificates

A milestone in the project: 22 trainees have successfully completed the Azubi Kolleg Lübeck.

“I was at a company presentation with my boss and he quite spontaneously told me to give it. There were 100 spectators at the event! But thanks to the trainee college, I knew how to appear self-confident and that gave me a lot,” says Clarissa Wunder, one of the 22 trainees who received their certificate yesterday. Over a year and a half, the scholarship holders deepened their personal and social skills in workshops, seminars and training courses.

Anyone who does an apprenticeship in Germany receives professional input - the development of personal skills, such as self-confident presentation, often falls short in everyday training. This is exactly where the Azubi Kolleg Lübeck comes in and supports talented and dedicated trainees in their personal development.

The handing over of the certificates yesterday was a milestone in the project itself, but also a premiere, because such an initiative is unique in Germany. To honor the trainees and to celebrate this occasion, Dr. Dorit Stenke, State Secretary in the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry for Education, Science, Research and Culture, was present. A nice tribute and honor for the trainees and the project staff of the two foundations.

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