Our promotional offers
We promote education, science and research in the fields of business, natural sciences and personal development. In addition, we promote innovative, application-oriented research at the interfaces between natural sciences and engineering.
Transatlantic dialog

In a present with multiple crises, dialog and mutual understanding in transatlantic exchange are more important than ever. We want to contribute to this with our offers and programs for trainees and young professionals.
Support for scientists

Add-on Fellowships for Interdisciplinary Science and Transfer
15,000 euros funding for two years
We support up to 80 young scientists from the fields of engineering, economics and life sciences who are working on innovative, interdisciplinary research projects and are motivated to further develop the transfer potential of their research. We are focusing on the topic of "Resources of the future".
Application phase: March 17 to May 16

innovate! Fund
Up to 1,000,000 euros per research project
We support up to three projects with 1,000,000 euros each, which use an interdisciplinary perspective to show ways out of dependence on fossil raw materials. The fund focuses on the innovative use and production of biogenic raw materials, particularly in areas that have been heavily dependent on fossil resources to date.
Application phase: April 30

innovate! Academy for bio-based materials
Up to 250,000 euros in personnel and project funding
We support scientists on their way from basic research to market maturity. To this end, they receive financial support for their research as well as a comprehensive seminar program. For two years, they become members of the "innovate! Academy" and benefit from joint learning and exchange.
Application phase: February 03 to April 30

Joachim Herz Award – Research for our future
500,000 euros for resource-conserving biotechnologies
The Joachim Herz Award 2025 is themed "Future Pioneers for Sustainable Biotechnology" and is aimed at young, up-and-coming scientists who develop resource-saving biotechnologies for a sustainable future and offer alternatives to the use of fossil raw materials.
Applications & nominations: March 31