Network and promote MINT education

Der Hamburger Landesschulrat Altenburg-Hack führt mit Hamburger Schüler:innen gemeinsam ein Experiment durch.

We want to get children and young people excited about mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology. Together with many other institutions, we are therefore committed to promoting STEM education in and out of school.

By networking stakeholders and organizing conferences, theme days and competitions, we raise awareness of the importance of STEM education among parents, students, teachers and decision-makers. For example, we offer networking opportunities, award schools with special STEM commitment and, together with other partners, publish the annual MINT Nachwuchsbarometer.

MINT Young Talent Barometer

MINT Nachwuchsbarometer 2022

The MINT Nachwuchsbarometer is a nationwide trend report on the situation of young people in the STEM fields. The report shows and comments on the most important figures, data and facts on the situation of young people in the STEM fields, from early education to vocational training and university studies. The compact overview provides an empirically based planning and decision-making aid for those responsible in education and politics.

MINT Forums

Beim Hamburger MINT-Tag bauen Schüler:innen Roboter.

MINT forums network school and non-school actors in their federal state, make their offerings visible, promote cooperation and strengthen the quality of educational offerings. Whether summer camps for young researchers, participation in physics competitions or programming workshops: The diverse learning venues and offerings make science, technology, computer science and mathematics a tangible experience for children and young people.

MINT networks in northern Germany

The Joachim Herz Foundation co-initiated the North German MINT Forums and is still involved in the MINT Forums in Hamburg, Schleswig- Holstein and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Click here to go directly to the respective MINTforums:

National MINTforum

In the National MINT Forum, more than 30 large, nationally active scientific institutions, foundations and associations are jointly committed to better education in the fields of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology.As the "national voice" of STEM stakeholders, the Forum brings together the experiences and competencies of STEM civil society, initiates public debates with its recommendations and demands, and engages in constructive dialog with other stakeholders, especially policymakers.

To the national MINTforum

MINT School Hamburg

Together with the NORDMETALL Foundation, we present the "MINT-Schule Hamburg" award. The award is aimed at district schools that are particularly committed to STEM education in Hamburg at the lower secondary level. The winning schools receive a one-time grant of 2,000 euros and access to regular networking events. A jury of experts decides on the applications received in a two-stage selection process. The certificate is valid for three years.

Become a STEM school now! The network accepts new schools every two years.

Apply Now




Dr. Jennifer Plath
Cluster Manager Dr. Jennifer Plath +49 40 533295-96

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