innovate! Academy for bio-based materials
We support applied, interdisciplinary and high-risk research projects with “innovate! Academy“.

With the funding program “innovate! Academy” for bio-based materials, the Joachim Herz Foundation supports interdisciplinary, innovative and high-risk research projects at the interface of natural sciences, materials science and engineering. Scientists wanting to put their research into practical application can apply for support with applications being accepted until April 7, 2025.
Bio-based materials can reduce the consumption of fossil raw materials as they are made entirely, or to a significant degree, from renewable resources. Such materials can help, for example, to reduce greenhouse gases, diversify supply chains or improve the recyclability of products. Through the “innovate! Academy” funding program, the Joachim Herz Foundation supports seven scientists in bringing their research projects on bio-based materials from the lab into practice and thus contributes to addressing social challenges such as resource scarcity and climate protection.
Funding and requirements at a glance
The funding program “innovate! Academy” for bio-based materials is aimed at doctoral candidates at an advanced stage of their doctorate, postdoctoral researchers, junior professors and professors as well as scientific staff from the materials sciences, natural sciences and engineering. Applicants must be affiliated with a research institution in Germany, should be able to demonstrate an entrepreneurial and application-oriented mindset, be talented communicators and have an interest in exchanging ideas with researchers from other disciplines and social stakeholders.
Through the “innovate! Academy”, the funded scientists have the opportunity to further develop their transfer project over a period of two years with targeted financial support and in exchange with other grantees. Each recipient will receive up to 250,000 euros in personnel and project funding as well as up to 5,000 euros for outreach activities. In addition, a range of seminars tailored to their personal needs and interests impart knowledge on topics such as spin-offs, challenges in transferring research results into practice, patent and trademark protection or science communication. The two-stage selection process will take place in summer 2025, with the funding phase starting in October 2025.