Ulrich Müller

Member of the Executive Board

Porträt eines lächelnden Mannes mit Brille und Glatze. Er trägt einen dunklen Anzug, ein helles Hemd und eine gestreifte Krawatte. Die Arme sind verschränkt. Im Hintergrund befindet sich ein Bücherregal mit verschiedenen Büchern und Aktenordnern, was eine professionelle Umgebung andeutet.

After training as a banker, Ulrich Müller studied business administration and graduated in 1996. He then worked for the Allianz Insurance Group in Munich as a consultant for financial planning and controlling as well as risk management, among other things. He then spent three years as head of internal controlling at Wilhelm von Finck AG before moving to Munich Re AG.

There, as head of department, he was responsible for the strategic asset allocation of investments. At the same time, he was a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences in Ludwigshafen for "Capital Investment in Insurance Companies". In 2007, Müller joined Joachim Herz's CORO Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH and was part of the founding team of the Joachim Herz Foundation in 2008. In 2011, he became division manager for capital investment, finance, organization and human resources.

On October 1, 2014, Ulrich Müller was appointed by the Board of Trustees as a member of the Executive Board of the Joachim Herz Foundation. Among other things, Ulrich Müller is a member of the Supervisory Board of IntReal International Real Estate Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg, as well as a member of the Foundation Financial Officers Group (FFOG), USA.

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