"grips gewinnt"

The scholarship for students

Eine Stipendiatin und zwei Stipendiaten des Projekts "grips gewinnt" stehen vor einer lila Wand und lächeln in die Kamera.

Young people facing financial or social hurdles are supported by the "grips gewinnt" scholarship program with an educational grant, seminars and counseling to help them develop their talents and fully realize their potential.

At a glance

We are looking for students who have potential, who like to learn and who are willing to perform - but who have hurdles to overcome on their way to the Abitur or Fachabitur.

For example, we support students who would like to learn to play an instrument, but whose families do not have the money for this hobby. We support young people who want to be the first in their family to graduate from high school. We encourage students who often help with family chores at home and support their siblings, so that their own talents and interests do not have as much room.

When it comes to applications, we pay attention to academic performance. However, this does not mean that the scholarship holders have to have the best grades. More important are the willingness to learn, motivation and motivation to perform. Applicants should also be committed to their family, school or club, have a strong sense of purpose, or have special talents and interests.

What does the program include?

The program for the new scholarship holders starts on September 1. They benefit from four program components until they graduate from high school:

1 Financial support

The scholarship holders receive a monthly education allowance of 180 euros. They use this to finance educational expenses of their own choosing - for example, guitar lessons, tutoring or language trips. In addition, the scholarship holders receive a one-time lump sum of 500 euros as an equipment allowance, e.g. for a laptop. The money may not be used for living expenses.

2 Educational program

In seminars and workshops, the scholarship holders discover their strengths and talents, try out new things, deepen various skills for school, work and life, and are encouraged to become actively involved in politics and society.

They learn how to handle finances, make a music video or debate European policy: The educational program is as diverse as the scholarship holders. The educational program, like the other program components, is free of charge. The costs for accommodation, food, travel and accommodation are covered by our foundation. Of course, we take into account special needs such as accessibility, prayer times or dietary restrictions.

The educational program covers the following topics:

  • Personal and social skills
  • Understanding democracy and helping to shape it
  • Discovering art, culture, natural sciences, mathematics and technology
  • Orientation to studies, career choice and stays abroad

3 Personal consultation

We do not leave scholarship holders alone with questions about school, studies or career choices: if they wish, they can contact the "grips gewinnt" team for advice.

4 Network

In the program, young people meet like-minded people and build a valuable network with current scholarship recipients and alumni who have gone through the scholarship and are already studying or working.


Who can apply?

The "grips gewinnt" scholarship is aimed at young people who:

  • are motivated, like to learn and to whom education is important,
  • show good academic performance (no specific grade point average required),
  • want to achieve their educational and life goals,
  • but face hurdles in doing so - for example, limited family finances or language barriers.

Anyone can apply for the program who:

  • go to school in Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony-Anhalt or Schleswig-Holstein (only general education schools, no vocational schools),
  • is attending at least 9th grade on September 1 of the year of application,
  • attends school for another two to five years until the (specialized) Abitur, and
  • is not older than 21 years of age at the time of the Abitur. (justified exceptions possible)

Questions about the application?

The team is happy to answer questions from students, parents, teachers and interested parties. Further questions and answers can be found here.

Phone: +49 040 533 295 620

E-mail: grips(at)joachim-herz-stiftung(dot)de

How does the application process work?

1. fill out application form and submit documents.

The next application period will start in November 2023, and the application will be submitted via an online form.

In addition, some documents must be submitted:

  • Curriculum vitae: a handwritten description of life and education (two to three pages).
  • A letter of recommendation from a teacher and (optionally) another letter of recommendation, for example from a trainer or youth leader from the fields of sports, music or the community
  • Declaration of consent to personal data
  • Copy of the last school report
  • All documents complete? To the checklist

2nd selection interview

After the application deadline, a jury selects suitable applicants. The jury takes into account personal circumstances and factors such as motivation, academic achievement potential, determination, special talents and commitment, e.g. as a class representative, neighborhood helper or volunteer trainer. Each application is read by experts from one of the fields of education, psychology and sociology.

In May, the applicants will find out who has been shortlisted and will be invited to a personal interview in Hamburg. Travel expenses to the interview are reimbursed.

The selection interviews then take place in June . In individual interviews, the applicants talk to two members of the jury. In this way, the jury can form a personal picture and get to know the life situation of the applicants better. The jury consists of trained personalities from science and society.

Up to 100 students are selected for the scholarship program. The applicants will receive their acceptance or rejection letters at the end of June.

Among the students who were not selected for the scholarship, 100 applicants will be accepted into the talent network, which is run by the Joachim Herz Foundation in cooperation with ArbeiterKind.de. There, the students will receive information about other scholarships and funding opportunities and personal support for their future plans.


Information for parents

In the "grips gewinnt" program, your child learns many things that will help him or her in life and career. With the education program and the education allowance, he or she can learn about his or her talents and try them out, receive support in choosing a course of study and a career, and learn career-relevant and personal skills. In addition, the "grips gewinnt" team offers advice on issues relating to school, training and study.

Costs & Support

  • Participation in the program is free of charge for the young people and travel expenses are reimbursed.
  • For the educational program, the young people travel to seminar locations where they are looked after and cared for around the clock.
  • All costs for accommodation and meals are covered by our foundation.
  • Of course, we take into account special needs such as accessibility, prayer times or dietary restrictions.

What is your role as a parent in "grips gewinnt"?

In the case of minors, their legal guardians must consent to their participation in the program. In addition, your child needs your consent to set up an account at the bank in their own name. We are happy if parents encourage their children to take advantage of this opportunity and support them.

Program information in other languages


The team is happy to answer questions from students, parents, teachers and interested parties. Office hours are Monday through Thursday between 2 and 4 p.m., and Friday between 10 a.m. and noon.

Answers to frequently asked questions can also be found on our FAQ page.

Phone: +49 40 533 295 620

E-mail: grips(at)joachim-herz-stiftung(dot)de

Melek Dreshaj
Cluster Manager (parental leave) Melek Dreshaj + 49 40 533 295-71
Jasmin von Engelbrechten-Ureña
Cluster Manager Jasmin von Engelbrechten-Ureña +49 40 533295-644
Franziska Gaube
Cluster Manager Franziska Gaube +49 40 533295-43
Pina Morgenstern
Cluster Manager Pina Morgenstern +49 40 533295-52

Get to know scholarship holders

Here, some of our scholarship holders and alumni tell us something about themselves and what the "grips gewinnt" scholarship means to them.

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Scholarship Holder Frenze Huth

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Scholarship holder Matthias

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Scholarship Holder Heva Osman

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Scholarship holder Blanka Dörfel

Click here for all portraits

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