Transfer fellowships

Transfer fellows are Add-on fellows and alumni of the Fellowships for Interdisciplinary Economics and Interdisciplinary Business Administration who are developing their research towards application.

The aim of the transfer fellowship is to give young researchers the freedom for often risky transfer projects, thereby contributing to the societal impact of interdisciplinary economic research.

Amount of funding and duration

Transfer fellowships are aimed at all (former and current) Add-on fellows who wish to pursue a transfer project for a period of six to twelve months. Funds of up to 80,000 euros are available for each fellowship, which can be used flexibly within the funding period for the development of a research-based transfer project. 

The third-party funds can also be used for personnel and material expenses. Since transfer projects often have risky outcomes, personnel funding is usually granted for a period of six months, with the option of a six-month extension, if objectives defined in the application have been achieved.


For the application, you should submit your CV, a description of the transfer project (max. 5 DIN A4 pages) and a cost projection. 

Please explain the project and address the following questions:

  • How do you classify the level of innovation?
  • How do you assess the transfer potential? How do you assess the probability of utilization and further financing?
  • What preliminary work exists and at what point in time do you want to achieve certain development goals?
  • Does the project involve partners within and outside the science field?
  • Which goals are to be achieved within the first six months?

Interested? Applications can be sent directly to


The applications are reviewed with the help of scientific experts and the selection is made based on the expert reviews by the Joachim Herz Foundation. Key selection criteria are:

  • Degree of innovation of the project
  • Perspective, potential and expandability of the project
  • Clear presentation of the project, comprehensible cost projection and financial planning. 

The complete guidelines for the transfer fellowship can be found here.


Dr. Philipp Poppitz
Cluster Manager Dr. Philipp Poppitz + 49 40 533 295-638
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